This is the legacy documentation of Project-level Custom Applications, which is in maintenance mode. Visit the new documentation for Org-level Custom Applications.


Help needed?

This page documents known and recurring challenges with Custom Applications and potential solutions to them.

Something is not working as expected? Do you need general guidance? Do you have a technical question or are you simply looking for some advice?

We strongly encourage and recommend to use GitHub Discussions as a way of communicating with us (commercetools) and with the community. You can ask questions, share ideas, showcase your work, etc.

Additionally, we also recommend checking for existing GitHub Issues about similar problems you might have or opening a new one.

Browser support

commercetools officially supports the latest two versions all major browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge), unless otherwise noted.

The following browsers are not supported any longer:

  • IE 11 and below

It is recommended to always keep your browser up-to-date for security reasons.

Changes to the Custom Application are not reflected immediately

The first time a user visits the Custom Application route in the Merchant Center, the proxy router fetches the configuration of the Custom Application to determine where to proxy the request to.

This configuration is cached for a certain time within the proxy router to reduce potential latency introduced by validating each incoming request. The cache is automatically updated at a regular interval (the default value is 30 minutes).

This implies that changes to the Custom Application configuration, for example the Application URL, are effectively applied according to the cache interval.

In the future, the cache mechanism will be improved to provide instant cache invalidation whenever something changes in the Custom Application settings.

Development login does not work on Chrome

Chrome has a setting option that prevents saving cookies, which makes it impossible to have a valid session when developing the Custom Applications locally.

Chrome cookie setting

The option Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended) must be turned on.